April 3, 2021

Easter weekend is Big English Wine Easter – a celebration of our beautiful English wines #BigEnglishWineEaster #BEWE.
The weekend features an extensive series of social media events, with winemakers, trade and wine lovers everywhere encouraged to open a bottle of English wine and share a photo or video, with the hashtags #BigEnglishWineEaster and #BEWE between 7pm – 8pm on Saturday, 3rd April. You can find more information on the at the Wine GB website www.winegb.co.uk/home-visitors/bewe
Here at Maverick HQ we’re cracking open a bottle of the wonderful Greyfriars Cuvee from the beautiful Greyfriars vineyard in The Surrey Hills www.greyfriarsvineyard.co.uk
A lively fizz with tasting notes of green apple and lemon. The grapes are hand-harvested from the south facing English vineyards planted on the Hogs Back in Surrey.
The wine is constructed from several wines made over a number of years, just like non-vintage Champagne. Fermentation takes place in stainless steel tanks and the wine is bottled-aged for over two years.
English wineries have been hit hard in the last 12 months because they depend heavily on tourism and restaurants for trade – so lets support local! #supportlocal #surreyhillsvineyards #surreyhillsenterprises