November 12, 2020

The PM announces a 4 week England lockdown…..
At the beginning of November, BoJo announced a 4 week lockdown ‘Lockdown 2.0’ to take place from Thursday 5th November through to the 2nd December. Once again overnight we lost all of our forthcoming events.
In January, we remember watching Brits evacuated from Wuhan in China arrive at a quarantine facility on The Wirral, never could we guess what lay ahead.
Over the year we watched the Covid-19 situation unfold around the world, aware of the chaos the pandemic was causing, but at this point continuing our business as planned.
The scale of the public health emergency that Covid-19 represents to the world, the NHS and our day to day life, cannot be ignored. Any deaths attributed to this disease are a tragedy, and we feel that it was right for events to be cancelled in order to prevent deaths and protect the most vulnerable.
As devastating a blow it was to have events cancelled, we very quickly realised that we needed to move fast to look after our staff, protect our business and provide an alternative source of income.
We feel extremely proud of the way we have reacted and adapted our business to this extraordinary situation. As soon lockdown was announced, we leapt into crisis mode. We spent time looking at ways we could continue to operate and we quickly initiated our cocktail home delivery service. During Lockdown 2.0 we have rolled this out into a seven day a week service.
The initial response to us launching our cocktail delivery service was humbling. We went from being a private hire, or festival bar to providing a doorstep delivery service.
We are now shaking and packing in excess of 50 orders a week for home delivery. It may not sound much, but each order that we receive is a vital lifeline for our small business and the staff that we employ. To say that we have been overwhelmed by how much local support we have had would be an understatement, we genuinely never imagined that so many of you enjoyed what we do.
Thank you to you all for your continued support and we hope to see you at an event very soon.
Corrine & Simon